In Vitro Toxicology Research Group (ATX)



DI NICOLA, M.R., PONTARA, A., KASS, G.E.N., KRAMER, N.I., AVELLA, I., PAMPENA, R., MERCURI, S.R., DORNE, J.L.C.M. and PAOLINO, G., 2021. Vipers of Major clinical relevance in Europe: Taxonomy, venom composition, toxicology and clinical management of human bites. Toxicology, 453.

PROENÇA, S., ESCHER, B.I., FISCHER, F.C., FISHER, C., GRÉGOIRE, S., HEWITT, N.J., NICOL, B., PAINI, A. and KRAMER, N.I., 2021. Effective exposure of chemicals in in vitro cell systems: A review of chemical distribution models. Toxicology in Vitro, 73.


DE BOER, A., KRUL, L., FEHR, M., GEURTS, L., KRAMER, N., TABERNERO URBIETA, M., VAN DER HARST, J., VAN DE WATER, B., VENEMA, K., SCHÜTTE, K. and HEPBURN, P.A., 2020. Animal-free strategies in food safety & nutrition: What are we waiting for? Part I: Food safety. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 106, pp. 469-484.

TOMA, C., MANGANARO, A., RAITANO, G., MARZO, M., GADALETA, D., BADERNA, D., RONCAGLIONI, A., KRAMER, N. and BENFENATI, E., 2020. QSAR Models for Human Carcinogenicity: An Assessment Based on Oral and Inhalation Slope Factors. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 26(1),.

Carnesecchi, E., Toma, C., Roncaglioni, A., Kramer, N., Benfenati, E., & Dorne, J. L. C. M. (2020). Integrating QSAR models predicting acute contact toxicity and mode of action profiling in honey bees (A. mellifera): Data curation using open source databases, performance testing and validation. Science of the Total Environment, 735 doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139243

Carnesecchi, E., Toropov, A. A., Toropova, A. P., Kramer, N., Svendsen, C., Dorne, J. L., & Benfenati, E. (2020). Predicting acute contact toxicity of organic binary mixtures in honey bees (A. mellifera) through innovative QSAR models. Science of the Total Environment, 704 doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135302

Darney, K., Kasteel, E. E. J., Buratti, F. M., Turco, L., Vichi, S., Béchaux, C., . . . Lautz, L. S. (2020). Bayesian meta-analysis of inter-phenotypic differences in human serum paraoxonase-1 activity for chemical risk assessment. Environment International, 138 doi:10.1016/j.envint.2020.105609

Kasteel, E. E. J., Nijmeijer, S. M., Darney, K., Lautz, L. S., Dorne, J. L. C. M., Kramer, N. I., & Westerink, R. H. S. (2020). Acetylcholinesterase inhibition in electric eel and human donor blood: An in vitro approach to investigate interspecies differences and human variability in toxicodynamics. Archives of Toxicology, doi:10.1007/s00204-020-02927-8

Punt, A., Bouwmeester, H., Blaauboer, B. J., Coecke, S., Hakkert, B., Hendriks, D. F. G., . . . Heringa, M. B. (2020). New approach methodologies (NAMs) for human-relevant biokinetics predictions. meeting the paradigm shift in toxicology towards an animal-free chemical risk assessment. ALTEX, 37(4), 607-622. doi:10.14573/altex.2003242

Vinken, M., Kramer, N., Allen, T. E. H., Hoffmans, Y., Thatcher, N., Levorato, S., . . . Rietjens, I. M. C. M. (2020). The use of adverse outcome pathways in the safety evaluation of food additives. Archives of Toxicology, 94(3), 959-966. doi:10.1007/s00204-020-02670-0

Kasteel E. E. J. , · Darney K. ,· Kramer N. I., · Dorne ·J. L. C. M. , Lautz L. S.,Human variability in isoform‑specific UDP‑glucuronosyltransferases: markers of acute and chronic exposure, polymorphisms and uncertainty factors. Archives of Toxicology, 2020,


Beilmann M, Boonen H, Czich A, Dear G, Hewitt P, Mow T, et al. Optimizing drug discovery by investigative toxicology: Current and future trends. ALTEX 2019;36(2):289-313.

Birch H, Kramer NI, Mayer P. Time-Resolved Freely Dissolved Concentrations of Semivolatile and Hydrophobic Test Chemicals in In Vitro Assays—Measuring High Losses and Crossover by Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction. Chem Res Toxicol 2019; 32(9):1780-1790.

Carnesecchi E, Toropov A, Toropova P, Kramer N, Svendsen C, Dorne J-L, et al. Predicting acute contact toxicity of organic binary mixtures in honey bees (A. mellifera) through innovative QSAR models. Science of The Total Environment; in press.

Carnesecchi E, Svendsen C, Lasagni S, Grech A, Quignot N, Amzal B, Toma C, Tosi S, Rortais A, Cortinas-Abrahantes J, Capri E, Kramer N, et al. Investigating combined toxicity of binary mixtures in bees: Meta-analysis of laboratory tests, modelling, mechanistic basis and implications for risk assessment. Environment International 2019; 133 doi:10.1016/j.envint.2019.105256.

Darney K, Testai E, Buratti FM, Di Consiglio E, Kasteel EEJ, Kramer N, et al. Inter-ethnic differences in CYP3A4 metabolism: A bayesian meta-analysis for the refinement of uncertainty factors in chemical risk assessment. Comp Toxicol 2019;12 doi:10.1016/j.comtox.2019.100092.

Groothuis FA, Timmer N, Opsahl E, Nicol B, Droge STJ, Blaauboer BJ, et al. Influence of in vitro assay setup on the apparent cytotoxic potency of benzalkonium chlorides. Chem Res Toxicol 2019;32:1103-1114.

Kramer NI, Hoffmans Y, Wu S, Thiel A, Thatcher N, Allen TEH, et al. Characterizing the coverage of critical effects relevant in the safety evaluation of food additives by AOPs. Arch Toxicol 2019; doi:10.1007/s00204-019-02501-x.

Paini A, Leonard JA, Joossens E, Bessems JGM, Desalegn A, Dorne JL, et al. Next generation physiologically based kinetic (NG-PBK) models in support of regulatory decision making. Comput Toxicol 2019;9:61-72.



Ashauer R, Albert C, Augustine S, Cedergreen N, Charles S, Ducrot V, et al. Modelling survival: Exposure pattern, species sensitivity and uncertainty. Sci Rep 2016;6.

Kramer NI, Di Consiglio E, Blaauboer BJ, Testai E. Biokinetics in repeated-dosing in vitro drug toxicity studies. Toxicol Vitro 2015;30(1):217-224.

Groothuis FA, Heringa MB, Nicol B, Hermens JLM, Blaauboer BJ, Kramer NI. Dose metric considerations in in vitro assays to improve quantitative in vitro-in vivo dose extrapolations. Toxicology 2015;332:30-40.

Pike AF, Kramer NI, Blaauboer BJ, Seinen W, Brands R. An alkaline phosphatase transport mechanism in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease and neurodegeneration. Chem -Biol Interact 2015;226:30-39.

Chen Y, Geurts M, Sjollema SB, Kramer NI, Hermens JLM, Droge STJ. Acute toxicity of the cationic surfactant C12-benzalkonium in different bioassays: How test design affects bioavailability and effect concentrations. Environ Toxicol Chem 2014;33(3):606-615.

Bessems JG, Loizou G, Krishnan K, Clewell HJ, Bernasconi C, Bois F, et al. PBTK modelling platforms and parameter estimation tools to enable animal-free risk assessment. Recommendations from a joint EPAA – EURL ECVAM ADME workshop. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2014;68(1):119-139.

Pike AF, Kramer NI, Blaauboer BJ, Seinen W, Brands R. A novel hypothesis for an alkaline phosphatase ‘rescue’ mechanism in the hepatic acute phase immune response. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis 2013;1832(12):2044-2056.

Knöbel M, Busser FJM, Rico-Rico A, Kramer NI, Hermens JLM, Hafner C, et al. Predicting adult fish acute lethality with the zebrafish embryo: Relevance of test duration, endpoints, compound properties, and exposure concentration analysis. Environ Sci Technol 2012;46(17):9690-9700.

Kramer NI, Krismartina M, Rico-Rico A, Blaauboer BJ, Hermens JLM. Quantifying processes determining the free concentration of phenanthrene in basal cytotoxicity assays. Chem Res Toxicol 2012;25(2):436-445.

Blaauboer BJ, Boekelheide K, Clewell HJ, Daneshian M, Dingemans MML, Goldberg AM, et al. The use of biomarkers of toxicity for integrating in vitro hazard estimates into risk assessment for humans. ALTEX 2012;29(4):411-425.

Kramer NI, Busser FJM, Oosterwijk MTT, Schirmer K, Escher BI, Hermens JLM. Development of a partition-controlled dosing system for cell assays. Chem Res Toxicol 2010;23(11):1806-1814.

Tanneberger K, Rico-Rico A, Kramer NI, Busser FJM, Hermens JLM, Schirmer K. Effects of solvents and dosing procedure on chemical toxicity in cell-based in vitro assays. Environ Sci Technol 2010;44(12):4775-4781.

Kramer NI, Hermens JLM, Schirmer K. The influence of modes of action and physicochemical properties of chemicals on the correlation between in vitro and acute fish toxicity data. Toxicol Vitro 2009;23(7):1372-1379.

Nichols JW, Bonnell M, Dimitrov SD, Escher BI, Han X, Kramer NI. Bioaccumulation assessment using predictive approaches. Integr Environ assess manage 2009;5(4):577-597.

Schirmer K, Tanneberger K, Kramer NI, Völker D, Scholz S, Hafner C, et al. Developing a list of reference chemicals for testing alternatives to whole fish toxicity tests. Aquatic Toxicol 2008;90(2):128-137.

Kramer NI, Van Eijkeren JCH, Hermens JLM. Influence of albumin on sorption kinetics in solid-phase microextraction: Consequences for chemical analyses and uptake processes. Anal Chem 2007;79(18):6941-6948.